If you watched the VMAs this past weekend, you may have noticed a Miley Cyrus slut train wreck. But you also might have caught the premiere of the trailer for what could be the new Young Adult movie hit, Divergent. And if you didn't know, this movie is based on the first installment of Veronica Roth's Divergent book trilogy.
Divergent and Insurgent are the first two books in this trilogy. The third in the series, Allegiant, is due to be released in October of this year and is available for pre-order now.
Divergent and Insurgent are the first two books in this trilogy. The third in the series, Allegiant, is due to be released in October of this year and is available for pre-order now.
So if you're wondering whether to jump on the newest Y.A. bandwagon, I'd pass. And if you haven't already read the first and second installments, I wouldn't start now. Although the books are occasionally insightful, they don't offer enough originality to make them worth reading. So why is it on the verge of being the next tween sensation?